Light Controller

The Challenge
Ilumalite specialises in energy-saving lighting solutions for commercial, industrial and government clients. The products are designed to reduce energy use, generate significant cost savings and reduce environmental impact.
In a commercial building, traditional lighting can be energy intensive and waste can occur when lights are left on when rooms are not in use. Electronics by Design was engaged by Ilumalite to develop a light controller to reduce energy usage and cost associated with powering lights in commercial buildings.
Our Approach
We collaborated with an internal team to contribute to the architecture design and operation. The Voice of Customer was important, so preferred clients were engaged to gain their perspective on the final design and trial the products on site.
The Solution
Electronics by Design developed a time-scheduled controller to manage lighting in different zones with the ability to turn it off at predetermined times.
We developed all the hardware and firmware and wrote a C++ application to allow the unit to be programmed and customised using a PC.